15 AvE: 7 C-ECT practice: 42% (11 of 26) institutions given for six to nine months to prevent relapse A-ECT and C-ECT are practiced 94% unmodified Devices: 46% MECTA Spectrum, MECTA SR-1, or Thymatron DGxn, 8% two brands 35% Ectonus 5A, Ectonustim, Ectron, Medcraft B-25, and Siemens konvulasor 11% unknown Type: 42% brief pulse 12% sine wave 46% unknown Placement: All BL Asia, Pacific Region (L) 3715 Little JD (Little 2003) Study: Survey by mail to practitioners attending first Asian pacific ECT conference and 3361 brochures sent
out by automatic mailing system to countries in Asia Pacific Region. Contact addresses for 23 of 34 countries identified. N= 12 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical responses from practitioners having practiced in 12 countries N= Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical approximately 668 patients ECT treated N= approximately 2257 inpatients Date: 2000 Time span: One year Diagnoses: 68% schizophrenia 18% mania 4% depression
Other: Data from countries Fiji Kiribati, Malaysia (USM), Malaysia (Sabah), Nepal Palau, Philippines, Solomon Island, and Thailand. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical ECT not available: Brunei, Cambodia, Micronesia, Palau Side effects: (reported not common), memory impairment most commonly reported Outcome: Response rate to ECT approximately 86% Other: No ECT services in Brunei, Cambodia, Micronesia and Palau Other: Indicates large variation in practice in Asia Pacific Region. Attitudes: Cultural attitude generally negative, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical except for the Philippines where ECT was generally well accepted iP: Varied from 1% to 9%, except for Nepal 26% Modified Devices: Thymatron in Malaysia and Thailand Mecta in Nepal and Thailand Ectonus series 5B in Sabah (a state of Malaysia) Type: All brief-pulse wave, except sine wave in Kiribati and Solomon Islands Placement: BL preferred Asia (L) 561 Chanpattana
W (Chanpattana et al. 2010) Study: Survey (29 item) questionnaire of ECT-treated patients to psychiatric treatment facilities and countries in Asia N= 977 psychiatric Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical facilities (334 responded, response rate 34%), N= 45 countries in Asia (Russia excluded) Florfenicol (29 responded, response rate 64%) N= 23 of 29 (79%) countries provided ECT in 257 institutions N= 39,875 patients who received N= 240,314 ECTs Diagnoses: 42% schizophrenia 32% major depression 14% mania 7% catatonia 2% drug abuse 2% dysthymia 1% other Gender: 38% women Age, year groups: 6%, <18 29%, 18–24 44%, 25–44 17%, 45–64 4%, >64 Countries (N= 23) in survey with ECT practice: Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, South Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka Thailand, Turkey, Small molecule library screening United Arab Emirates, Vietnam Countries (N= 6) in survey without ECT practice: Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Georgia, Laos, and Lebanon AvE: 7 [N= 129,906 unmodified ECTs administered to N= 22,194 patients (55.