1999; Moncayo et al 2000) The authors of these studies posited

1999; Moncayo et al. 2000). The authors of these studies posited that the preceding ischemia induced adaptive cellular responses to a subsequent further ischemic challenge. An alternate interpretation is that those patients who had preceding TIAs in the

same vascular territory had different pathological vascular lesions and pathophysiology than those patients with sudden onset strokes who had no preceding TIAs. Those with preceding TIAs had occlusive in situ vascular lesions. During the interval between the first TIA and the stroke, time might have sufficed to allow good collateral circulation to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical develop which minimized the size of the infarct that developed when the stenotic artery finally occluded. In contrast, sudden strokes without preceding TIAs were usually embolic and there had been no time for collaterals to develop. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical So the authors were comparing apples and pears – two dissimilar pathophysiologies – in situ thrombosis versus embolism. Wegener and colleagues attempted to study the issue of whether Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical collateral circulation explained the favorable outcome in patients with preceding TIAs by analyzing the volume of perfusion-weighted

magnetic resonance ROCK inhibitors for glaucoma imaging (MRI) abnormalities shown within 12 h after stroke onset (Wegener et al. 2004). They studied 13 patients with preceding TIAs and compared infarct volumes and perfusion deficits with 41 patients who did not have preceding TIAs. Infarct volumes were smaller in those Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with preceding TIAs but the size of the restricted perfusion was similar in the two groups. They concluded that improved perfusion was an unlikely explanation for the more favorable outcomes in the preceding TIA group, a conclusion that supported the ischemic preconditioning hypothesis (Wegener Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical et al. 2004). However in this study, the numbers of patients were small and unbalanced (41 vs. 13), there were more patients with internal carotid artery occlusive lesions in the TIA group, and controversy surrounds the ability to quantify the severity of perfusion

deficits by perfusion-weighted MRI protocols. Kirino (2002) Levetiracetam reviewed the experimental animal results concerning ischemic preconditioning and offered two potential explanations: (1) a persistent effect on brain neurons – posttranslational modification of proteins or by expression of new proteins via a signal transduction system to the nucleus. These cascades of events may strengthen the influence of survival factors or may inhibit apoptosis and/or (2) a biochemical stress response – the “synthesis of stress proteins may lead to an increased capacity for health maintenance inside the cell. These proteins work as cellular ‘chaperones’ by unfolding misfolded cellular proteins and helping the cell to dispose of unneeded denatured proteins (Kirino 2002).

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