After calculating the range in the number of contacts per case fo

After calculating the range in the number of contacts per case for each outbreak size scenario we input the estimated average number

of personnel hours (4.7 h per contact) and unit costs ($298 per contact) from the reviewed literature (Table 1) to obtain the total number of hours and costs for all measles outbreaks reported in 2011(Table 3). In order to validate the case-day index approach, we re-classified the outbreaks’ size using either the contacts per case ratio or the contacts per day ratio and we observed that the size rankings were very similar to the index Anti-diabetic Compound Library nmr approach. Moreover, both ratios show large positive covariance and strong correlation (R2 = 0.95) further validating our compounding hypothesis 3-Methyladenine datasheet ( Fig. 1B). In 2011, 220 confirmed measles cases were reported in the US including 16 outbreaks that comprised 107 confirmed cases reported from these outbreaks. The median number of cases per outbreak was 6 (range 3–22), and the average outbreak duration was 22 days (median 17.5, range 5–68, Fig. 2). Using diverse epidemiological definitions of contacts and with biases in the detection, documentation and recall of “true” contacts, managers in outbreak sites retrospectively reported

a median of 293 identified contacts (range 8–12,000) per outbreak. Based on the case-day index, 4 (25%) outbreaks were defined as relatively small, 8 (50%) were medium and 4 (25%) were large outbreaks. Using the range of index-attributable contacts to measles cases among

these outbreaks, the number of contacts to measles cases ranged from 9 to 75 in small outbreaks, from 160 to 700 in medium size outbreaks, and from 840 to 5500 in relatively large outbreaks. On average, using the case-day index Cediranib (AZD2171) a range of 526–1026 contacts were attributed to each outbreak in 2011 (median range 240–600 contacts), corresponding to 2508–4890 personnel hours (median range 1125–2813 h) and approximate expenditures of $161,000–$314,000 (median range $72,000–$179,000) associated with the outbreak response(Table 3). With a median duration of 17.5 days per outbreak, an active response costs a median range of $4091–$10,228 per day. Average costs per outbreak ranged from $2685 to $22,000 for small outbreaks, from $58,000 to $146,000 for medium and from $551,000 to $985,000 for large outbreaks. For the sixteen outbreaks combined, the estimated total number of individuals identified as contacts to confirmed measles cases ranged from 8936 to 17,450. The estimated total number of personnel hours for the 16 outbreaks ranged from 42,635 to 83,133 (Table 3), and the corresponding total estimated costs for the public response accrued to local and state public health departments ranged from $2.7 million to $5.3 million US dollars. The collective responses to each and all the sixteen measles outbreaks had a sizable impact on local and state public health departments.

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