Babchenko and Maryles [7] presented a displacement sensor based on a bent imperfected POF. The experimental results showed that the sensitivity of the device was critically dependent on the abrasion angle, location angle, and displacement of the 3D imperfections. selleck chemicals llc Losada et al. [8] showed that the application of strain to a POF causes a reduction in the bandwidth and an increase in the power loss. Kuang et al. [9] developed a POF displacement sensor based on dual cycling bending and showed that the sensitivity could be enhanced by increasing the number of rollers or decreasing the interval between the rollers. Daum et al. [10] reported that the power loss in POFs subject to tensile loading reduces by no more than 2~3% prior to the onset of plastic deformation. Chen et al.
[11] showed that the sensitivity of POFs subjected to cyclic tensile loading increases with an increasing load or a greater number of cycles. Cennamo et al. [12] developed a POF sensor as a biosensor. This sensor was implemented based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) at the interface between a liquid sample and a thin gold layer deposited on the core of a POF. The result indicated that the sensitivity of the optical sensor depended on the length of the sensing region as well as the thickness of the gold film. Zhu et al. [13] showed a POF displacement sensor based on cycling bending for landslides monitoring with a bowknot at one POF end. The results showed that the sensitivity of the sensor increased as the dimension of the bowknot decreased. Montero et al.
[14] presented a novel POF self-referencing fiber optic intensity sensor based on bending losses of a partially polished POF coupler for liquid Dacomitinib detection. The results showed that this technique increased the external media refractive index sensitivity of the sensor. Vijayan et al. [15] demonstrated the potential of using the POF macrobend for measuring weight. It was found that though elongative bending decreased the output intensity, compressive bending gave a reverse effect.In all of the above studies, the sensitivity of the proposed POF sensors was enhanced by making the POFs imperfect in some way. In previous studies [16�C18], the present group performed experimental and numerical investigations into the power loss characteristics of bent and elongated POFs with no grooves.
The results showed that the power loss increases significantly as the bend radius is reduced or the elongation increased. However, the literature contains little information regarding the sensitivity of grooved POFs under combined bending and elongation conditions. Accordingly, the present study performs a series selleck Crizotinib of experimental tests to evaluate the power loss induced in bent and elongated POFs with groove depths ranging from 0 mm to 1.1 mm. The deformation which takes place near the grooved region of the various specimens is analyzed using a three-dimensional finite element (FE) model.