Formation of aposporous initials is the first and most critical e

Formation of aposporous initials is the first and most critical event for occurrence of apospory. Because the initiation of sexual and apomictic pathways likely is activated by different signals, understanding the molecular mechanism underlying apospory initiation can provide insight into developmental regulation and downstream unlikely signaling that results in apomixis. In order to discover candidates for regulating aposporous initial specification in P. squamulatum, we compared two transcriptomes derived from microdissected ovules at the stage of aposporous initial formation between the apomictic donor parent, P. squamulatum, and its apomictic derivative backcross 8 contain ing a single P. squamulatum chromosome. Initially, a P. glaucum x P. squamulatum F1 was crossed with a P. glaucum x P.

purpureum F1 and hybrid apomictic indi viduals with good male fertility were selected. Subsequent backcrosses with tetraploid P. glaucum yielded a BC8 line that was shown by FISH to contain only one chromosome from P. squamulatum. This single chromosome common to both apomictic BC8 and P. squamulatum was the ASGR carrier chro mosome based on the transmission of the trait of apo mixis and linked molecular markers. We hypothesize that candidate genes regulating aposporous initial specification and localized to the ASGR will function in both PS26 and BC8 at the same develop mental stage and would be identical in sequence as they are related by descent. The development and commercialization of new mas sively parallel sequencing platforms have made tran scriptome sequencing faster and more affordable.

One platform, developed by 454 Life Sciences Corporation, the 454 GS FLX sequencer, is capable of producing 100 Mb of sequence data with an average read length of 250 bp per bead in a 7 h run. Successful applications of these high throughput sequencing technologies to tran scriptome analysis have been reported. Here we present expressed sequence tags generated by Roche 454 high throughput sequencing technology from dissected ovule tissues staged for aposporous initial formation from two apomictic lines chosen for their common features of apospory and single shared chro mosome. Alien chromosome expressed transcripts were identified and tested for ASGR linkage and tissue expression. Results Aposporous ovule enriched cDNA samples for sequencing Ovules from PS26 and BC8 around the stage of apospor ous initial formation were manually dissected from pis tils.

Three biological replicates of 40 ovules each were collected for both PS26 and BC8. The yield of total RNA from each replicate was approximately 20 ng from which 15 ng was used for one round of T7 RNA polymerase based RNA amplification. The average yield from one round Drug_discovery of amplification was 90 ug. For each library, equal amounts of amplified RNA from each replicate were combined and 15 ug amplified RNA was used for ds cDNA synthesis.

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