However, its min

However, its min Bicalutamide IC50 eralisation was retarded, as most trabeculae remained cov ered with a thick layer of osteoid. In addition, trabeculae within the cortical regions appeared scarcer and Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the cartilaginous and fibrotic tissues persisted. Quantitative CT analysis revealed a 75% reduction of Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries BV TV in the cortical regions as well as slight decrease in the average BV TV in the bone marrow cavity when compared with the control group. This appears not to be due to a scarcity of osteoblasts, as judged by the presence of the collagen type I expressing cells. The intense expression of Osteopontin, known to demarcate terminally hyper trophic chondrocytes and early osteoblasts, argues for an impairment of the maturation process. Oste opontin is known to facilitate osteoclast mediated bone resorption.

We thus quantified TRAP positive bone lining cells within Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the injury site and determined the rate of bone turnover by measuring D PYD concentrations in serum. Osteoclast numbers were increased in the injury site in Nf1Prx1 mice when compared with controls and lovastatin treatment did not significantly Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries change this. This was paralleled by an increased serum D PYD in Nf1Prx1 animals, which was only slightly reduced by lovastatin treatment. Day 28 post injury The injury site became difficult to locate in the control animals, demonstrating the speed and efficacy of the regeneration processes. Solid bone, undistinguishable from the surrounding cortical bone, replaced initially formed woven bone. In the Nf1Prx1 animals the injury site was also closed by calcified extracellular matrix, but woven bone was still present in the marrow cavity.

Fur thermore, cortical bone Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries was covered by a thick osteoid, indicating an ongoing abnormality of the mineralisation process. Cortical bone appeared strikingly thinned and at many sites it was penetrated by thick blood vessels. Lovastatin treatment improves injury healing in Nf1Prx1 mice Day 7 post injury Improvement of bone quality had already become obvi ous by the 7th day of treatment. In contrast to untreated mice, unmineralised bone was neither detectable in the vicinity nor distally from the injury site. Calcified trabecular bone was found in the bone mar row cavity and it became detectable also in the cortical regions, indicating accelerated osteoprogenitor differenti ation as well as normalisation of mature osteoblast func tion. The CT analysis indicated that BV TV within the bone marrow cavity was two fold higher in the lovastatin treated mice than in untreated mice and slightly exceeded the BV TV values of the control group. In contrast, in the cortical regions BV TV remained at basal level in both the lovastatin treated and untreated Nf1 deficient mice compared with the control group.

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