The DDIT3 gene encodes a DNA damage inducible member of the C EBP family of transcription neverless factors and inhibits adipocytic conversion of preadipocytes. Transfection of primary mesenchymal progeni tor and human fibrosarcoma Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cells with the FUS DDIT3 fusion protein induces a myxoid liposarcoma phenotype. Treatment of myxoid liposarcoma cells in vitro and in vivo with peroxisome proliferator activated receptors gamma agonists induced terminal differentia tion, although phase II studies with the peroxisome proliferator activated receptors gamma agonist Rosiglita sone did not show the antitumor effect in advanced myxoid liposarcoma patients. Until today, nine dif ferent types of FUS DDIT3 fusion genes have been described, involving predominantly the central and C terminal parts of the FUS gene and nearly always the whole DDIT3 gene.
We describe here for the first time a new fusion type including the RNA binding domain of the FUS gene, which is not found in the other fusion types except for type 8. Whether this new rare fusion gene will be translated to a protein or will have any promoting Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries effect on tumor development is not clear and is hard to study due to the rarity of these variants. We found no differences Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries between the type of FUS DDIT3 fusion gene and kinases activated. Till now, the molecular variability of fusion types has not shown to have any effect on transforming capacities, adipogen esis nor prognosis in myxoid liposarcoma. We showed that kinases associated with NF kappaB pathway were highly active in myxoid liposarcoma.
In the atypical NF kappaB pathway, phosphorylation of inhibitors of NF kappaB, and subsequent activation of NF kappaB is controlled by casein kinase 2 and tyrosine kinase dependent path ways. We Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries did not measure NF kappaB pathway activation by analysis of downstream products or electrophoretic Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries mobility shift assays. G?ransson et al. has recently shown that NF kappaB is a major factor controlling IL8 transcription in FUS DDIT3 expressing cells. This could be explained by direct binding of FUS DDIT3 to the C EBP NF kappaB composite site of the immediate promoter region of IL8. Moreover, FUS DDIT3 GFP expressing cell lines showed upregulation of the NF kappaB controlled genes LCN2 and MMP1 whereas DDIT3 had little effect. These findings were also quantitatively confirmed by RT PCR.
Active p65 was present in cell lysates of myx oid liposarcoma cell cultures and cell lines. We did not explicitly show that the phosphorylated p65 protein was located in the nucleus nuclear fraction. Phosphorylation of p65 could be counteracted by TBB, an inhibitor of the casein kinase 2 and resulted in decreased cell viabi lity as shown in figure 3 and 4. This suggests that NF kappaB signaling is active in myxoid liposarcoma and that its activation is, at least in part, regulated via the atypical pathway.