The total number of chemotheraphy cycles given was 189, while the

The total number of chemotheraphy cycles given was 189, while the median number of cycles received was 3.0 (range 1-10). 12 patients (22.6%) had dose modification at least in one cycle: The pemetrexed dose was reduced due to adverse events in 4 patients and was delayed (mostly due to adverse

events) in 10 patients. At the end of the follow-up in May 2009, 2 patients were lost to follow-up after tumor recurrence, 6 patients had no disease progression, and 17 patients were still alive. Table 1 Demographic data for patients treated with pemetrexed plus platinum (n = 53). Patient criteria N PI3K inhibitor (%) Patient number 53 Median age (range) 52 (34–68) Sex      Male 39 (73.6)    Female 14 (26.4) Weight, kg: mean ± SD (range) 69 ± 10.1 (40–96) Stage      IIIB 15 (28.3)    IV 38 (71.7) ECOG Performance status      0 4 (7.5)    1 36 (67.9)    2 13 (24.5) Histology      Adenocarcinoma 31 (58.5)    Alveolar carcinoma 6 (11.3)    Squamous carcinoma 14 (26.4)    Large cell carcinoma 1(1.9)    Mixed carcinoma 1(1.9) No. chemotheraphy line  

   Second line 34 (64.2)    Third line 15 (28.3)    Fourth lines 4 (7.5) Efficacy Of the 53 patients treated with pemetrexed plus platinum, no complete response (CR) were observed, whereas 7 patients achieved partial response (PR). The objective response rate (ORR = CR+PR) was 13.2%. In the remaining patients, 36 (67.9%) achieved stable disease (SD), 10 (18.9%) had progressive disease (PD). Thus, the disease control rate (DCR = CR+ PR+ SD) in this study was 81.1%. Tumor response is summarized in Table 2. The median PFS time was 6.0 months

[95% confidence interval (CI): 4.6 to Pazopanib mouse 7.4] and the median OS time was 10.0 months (95% CI: 9.1 to 13.0). Kaplan-Meier plots for PFS and OS are displayed in Figure 1 and 2, respectively. The 1-year survival rate was 40.9%. Figure 1 Kaplan–Meier curve of progression-free survival for patients treated with pemetrexed plus platinum (n = 53). Figure 2 Kaplan–Meier curve of overall survival for patients treated with pemetrexed plus platinum (n = 53). Table 2 Response for patients treated with pemetrexed plus platinum (n = 53). Response N (%) 95% CI (%) CR – - PR 7(13.2) 5.48 to 25.34 SD 36(67.9) 56.68 to 80.08 PD 10(18.9) 9.44 to 31.97 CI, confidence interval; -, no data. Toxicity Toxicity was evaluated in all patients and in all cycles, and it was Selleck SB202190 showed in Table 3. Forty-two patients (79.2% of those treated) reported at least one adverse event during the study, 7 patients (13.2%) and 5 patients (9.4%) experienced grade 3 and grade 4 adverse events, respectively. The most common adverse events were leucopenia (49.1% of treated patients), nausea/vomiting (49.1% of treated patients), Neutropenia (37.7% of treated patients), Thrombocytopenia (32.1% of treated patients) and fatigue (18.9% of treated patients). Gastrointestinal disorders (49.1%) and blood system disorders (49.

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