Although the density of tumor vessels following combination thera

Although the density of tumor vessels following combination therapy was inhibited to the same extent as with bevacizumab monotherapy ( Figure 6D), the diameter of tumor vessels following combination therapy was significantly smaller than following bevacizumab monotherapy ( Figure 6E). Additionally, vascularity of tumors following combination therapy was significantly less than that of bevacizumab-treated tumors ( Figure 6F). To characterize HDAC inhibitor the molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-invasive response to combination therapy, we analyzed the changes in gene expression of tumor tissues in the U87ΔEGFR

orthotopic mouse model treated with bevacizumab and cilengitide combination therapy compared to bevacizumab monotherapy. We identified 947 differentially expressed genes between bevacizumab-treated U87ΔEGFR glioma tissue and bevacizumab plus cilengitide–treated U87ΔEGFR glioma tissue, which consisted of 486 upregulated genes and 461 downregulated genes (Figure 7A). Further, we characterized the functional significance of these dysregulated genes using pathway analysis. For the downregulated genes, the following three significantly enriched pathways were identified: integrin-mediated cell adhesion pathway, signaling of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor pathway, and G protein–coupled receptor, class C metabotropic

glutamate, pheromone pathway ( Table 1). For the upregulated genes, the following three significantly enriched pathways were identified: inflammatory response pathway, serotonin receptor 2 and ELK-SRF-GATA4 signaling pathway, and CDK activation serotonin receptor 4-6-7 and NR3C signaling pathway ( Table 2). To confirm the reliability of the results from the microarray analysis, caveolin 3 and c-src tyrosine kinase, which were included in the integrin-mediated cell adhesion pathway and associated with tumor invasion, were

verified by quantitative RT-PCR analysis. The relative expression of caveolin 3 and c-src tyrosine kinase in the U87ΔEGFR mouse orthotopic model treated with cilengitide and bevacizumab was significantly reduced compared with bevacizumab monotherapy by 0.38-fold and 0.44-fold, respectively Akt inhibitor (P < .05; Figure 7B). Tumor angiogenesis in the glioma orthotopic models was decreased by treatment with bevacizumab. Conversely, bevacizumab treatment resulted in enhanced tumor invasion. In this study, we demonstrated that cilengitide, an inhibitor of these integrins, inhibited bevacizumab-induced glioma invasion in vivo. Microarray analysis of combination treatment compared to bevacizumab monotherapy on the U87ΔEGFR orthotopic mouse model showed that pathways such as the integrin-mediated cell adhesion pathway or signaling of HGF receptor pathway were associated with the anti-invasive mechanism of cilengitide. Moreover, we focused on the ultra-microstructure of tumor vessels.

Scientists from 51 countries all over the world participated at t

Scientists from 51 countries all over the world participated at the Munich meeting. It is a great pleasure for us to also present the contributions of colleagues from those countries where neuroimaging techniques were not established until recent years. Despite the starting difficulties in implementing ultrasonography and introducing it into clinical routine, these colleagues are playing an important role in transferring neurosonographic methods worldwide. This book would not have been possible without the generous support of Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Bracco Imaging Deutschland

GmbH, Compumedics Germany GmbH, Esaote Biomedica Deutschland Selleck Fulvestrant GmbH, Philips GmbH and Toshiba Medical Systems. We would like to express our special gratitude to Dr. Alrun Albrecht, and to Mrs. Rabea Osterloh from Elsevier Publisher for their

assistance throughout the planning and preparation of this book. Furtheremore, we would like to thank Kashif Kanak and his team for their help during the production process. Finally, we would like to thank all authors for their scientific see more contributions and for their cooperation. “
“The most important advance in brain perfusion imaging during the last several years has been low-mechanical index (MI) real time perfusion scanning. This technique allows the detection of ultrasound contrast agent (UCA) in the cerebral microcirculation with little or no bubble destruction Amobarbital as compared to the high MI-imaging. Because of minimal contrast agent bubble destruction, a high frame rate can be applied, which leads to a better time resolution of bolus kinetics (Fig. 1). Low-MI imaging of contrast agent also avoids the shadowing effect, a significant problem

associated with high mechanical index imaging. Because of the high acoustic intensities that are emitted by bursting bubbles, bubbles that are “behind” the emitting bubbles (further away from the ultrasound transducer) are “shadowed” by this effect and thus obscured from data analysis. Thus, areas of tissue that are shadowed may not be available for analysis of tissue perfusion. The problem of shadowing is basically eliminated with low mechanical index imaging, since bubbles are not destroyed with such low acoustic pressures. Moreover, the technique can obtain multi-planar real-time images of brain perfusion [1]. This is a significant breakthrough for ultrasound perfusion imaging, since previous approaches were confined to a single image plane and therefore limited in their assessment of the extents of brain infarction and low perfusion states.

1% of the total density of phytoplankton An association of a

1% of the total density of phytoplankton. An association of a Selleck LGK-974 unicellular species (Synechocystis salina), with a high density of 5.5 × 105 individuals l− 1 (42.7%), and a filamentous species (Leptolyngbya tenuis) contributed to the bloom. Synechocystis salina was still present in the fourth pond but at a lower density (27.2%), as was D. salina (71.8%). The latter species was the sole survivor in the fifth pond. The contribution of Chlorophyceae was significant (Pearson’s r = 0.92, p < 0.05) only in the highly saline ponds (P4 and P5) and was the only phytoplankton taxon in P5. Phytoplankton are key

organisms in the biological system of saltworks, which must be established and maintained in the ponds in the proper condition to allow the economical and continuous production of high quality salt. Studies on either phytoplankton communities or other biota in Egyptian hypersaline environments, especially solar saltworks,

are very scarce. This study constitutes the first investigation into the phytoplankton communities in Egyptian saltworks. The recorded phytoplankton displayed a higher diversity and a lower density in the ponds with salinities < 180 g l− 1 (P1–P3). The decline of species number with increasing salinity is a common trend in the communities inhabiting saltworks (Ayadi et al., 2004, Toumi et al., 2005 and Mohebbi, 2010). Since the existence of salinity gradients is common in solar salterns, it generates an abiotic environment of variable physical and chemical regimes. This variability is reflected in the quality of biota adapted to each habitat type in the solar buy Sirolimus Dabrafenib supplier saltworks system, leading to sequential blooms of diverse microbial species adapted to different ranges of salinity (Davis 2000). The results revealed that all the recorded diatoms belonged to pennate forms; centric diatoms did not occur in the ponds. Zhang et al. (1999) demonstrated from laboratory

experiments that at higher salinities, the diatom assemblage consisted mainly of pennate forms, whereas centric diatoms associated with pennate diatoms and phytoflagellates dominated the cultured algae at lower salinities. The present study showed differences among the ponds of different salinity which are driven by two essential factors: the quality of the water feeding the saltern, and the salinity gradients in the different ponds. The first pond (P1), was characterized by a high diversity of phytoplankton with the simultaneous presence of a high density of diatoms, dinoflagellates and to a lesser extent of Euglenophyceae. This community structure resembles that of the first ponds of other saltworks (Abid et al., 2008 and Evagelopoulos and Koutsoubas, 2008). The environmental condition and community structure of this pond is influenced by the properties of the water feeding this saltern and are very similar to that recorded previously for this region of the Suez Canal by Madkour, 2000 and Madkour, 2007.

É importante a presença do fonoaudiólogo (profissional frequentem

É importante a presença do fonoaudiólogo (profissional frequentemente envolvido no diagnóstico e tratamento da disfagia) e radiologista durante a VFS25. Não há um protocolo específico a ser aplicado56, no entanto, algumas práticas devem ser seguidas53. O paciente deve ser primeiramente bem orientado quanto ao procedimento. O posicionamento do paciente deve

ocorrer em seguida. Recomenda-se que ele esteja sentado em posição ereta ou posicionado de forma a simular uma alimentação usual. Na avaliação de bebês, os mesmos podem estar levemente reclinados. mTOR inhibitor É importante a visualização das estruturas antes do oferecimento do alimento. A avaliação deve ser iniciada com a captação da imagem em incidência latero-lateral53, sendo esta ideal para a visualização das estruturas faríngeas e laríngeas57. Devem ser ofertados alimentos de consistências variadas, desde a líquida à sólida. Os

volumes testados podem ser graduados em seringas, colheres ou, se possível, copos, sendo recomendados um, 3, 5, 10 mL. Volumes maiores (15-20 mL) podem ser testados, dependendo das condições do paciente. AZD8055 datasheet Podem ser avaliadas deglutições isoladas ou sequenciais em copos, ou com o auxílio de canudos, e sequenciais em mamadeiras53. A ingestão de volume livre do alimento pode também ser avaliada58. O profissional deve levar em consideração a tolerância, o grau do comprometimento da deglutição e o risco de aspiração traqueal do paciente durante o procedimento53. Sendo assim, a avaliação clínica da deglutição prévia faz-se necessária59 and 60. São utilizados critérios para quantificação da disfagia e das alterações observadas durante o exame, sugeridas por diferentes autores. São

as escalas de gravidade de disfagia61 e escalas de penetração/aspiração62, 63 and 64. Estudos mostraram que o treinamento dos profissionais na utilização das escalas de penetração/aspiração melhorou a acurácia Rucaparib purchase do diagnóstico65. Durante a análise é importante incorporar a história e diagnóstico médico do paciente aos achados do exame53. A análise contempla os parâmetros temporais, como o trânsito do bolo alimentar através da faringe e do esfíncter superior do esôfago, medido em segundos ou milissegundos; os parâmetros temporais e espaciais associadamente, como a movimentação máxima anterior e vertical do osso hioide, medida em milímetros, e o tempo gasto em sua excursão (segundos); e parâmetros visuoperceptuais, como o escape anterior e/ou posterior do alimento, como possibilidade de mensuração através da utilização de escalas66.

Les formes d’écriture et d’organisation des curricula évoluent av

Les formes d’écriture et d’organisation des curricula évoluent avec l’introduction de la notion de compétences. Les référentiels sont devenus beaucoup plus concis, les indications de contenus notionnels à enseigner beaucoup plus succincts tandis que les situations professionnelles de référence Z-VAD-FMK solubility dmso ou significatives deviennent un élément de balisage important. Les curricula ne définissent plus de manières aussi précises les notions ou concepts qui font l’objet d’enseignement mais constituent des repères indiquant des passages obligés et

des parcours possibles, tenant compte des obstacles éventuels. Les curricula peuvent être alors construits plus à partir de balises à franchir (Lange and Victor, 2006) que par des contenus disciplinaires. La didactique des QSV étudie le processus d’enseignement-apprentissage sur des objets porteurs de controverses et de débat dans la sphère scientifique, dans la société et les médias et donc dans la classe (Legardez and Simonneaux, 2006). Les

exemples sont multiples: nucléaire, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, changement climatique, maladies animales transmissibles à l’homme, sécurité alimentaire, répercussions écologiques et économiques des pratiques agronomiques… La didactique des QSV qui a émergé dans les années Selleck Cetuximab 1990–2000 interroge fortement la question épistémologique dans le didactique, notamment à la suite du courant anglo-saxon NOS – Nature Of Science – ( Lederman, 1992 and Flick and Lederman, 2006), en insistant sur la dimension sociale des rapports Sciences/Société. La NOS se réfère à l׳épistémologie et à la sociologie des sciences, elle s’intéresse aux savoirs, valeurs et croyances inhérentes

à la construction du savoir scientifique. Mais il convient de préciser que les philosophes, les historiens et les sociologues des sciences expriment des désaccords sur des questions spécifiques concernant la NOS. L’enseignement des QSV appartient au courant éducatif qui prône l’étude des interactions Sciences-Technologies-Sociétés (STS). L’origine du courant STS peut être identifiée dans les années trente, portée par des scientifiques dans le champ de l’éducation scientifique. Il s’inscrit d’emblée dans la perspective de l’éducation à la citoyenneté. Après la seconde guerre mondiale, en Grande-Bretagne, des scientifiques qui se sentaient responsables vis-à-vis du public des impacts environnementaux des développements scientifiques et techniques, comme le nucléaire ou les pesticides ont promu le développement de l’éducation STS (Ratcliffe, 2001).

The cell line HEK-293 was transformed by transient transfection w

The cell line HEK-293 was transformed by transient transfection with the plasmid pAEC-hah5 containing the synthetic gene coding the HAH5 protein in order to demonstrate its expression ( Fig. 1). As the plasmid pAEC-hah5 ( Fig. 1A) was co-transfected with a plasmid carrying a transcriptional unit expressing the gene coding the EGFP protein, transfected cells Neratinib manufacturer turned fluorescent after the

stimulation with ultraviolet light. The fluorescence was homogeneous and intense, indicating a high level of transfected cells ( Fig. 1B and C). The production of the HAH5 protein in the transfected cells was assessed by SDS-PAGE and western blot using a polyclonal serum ( Fig. 1D and E). Several immunoreactive bands were observed in the sample corresponding to the HAH5 protein under reducing and non-reducing conditions. The precursor protein HA0 from HPAIV undergoes a proteolytic processing by endogenous proteases generating the subunits HA1 and HA2. Thus, under reducing conditions a partial proteolytic processing corresponding at about 50% of total protein was observed. Three bands were observed in the western blot corresponding to the uncleaved precursor protein HAH50 and the

subunits HAH51 and HAH52 with molecular masses of about 75–78 kDa, 55 kDa and 25 kDa, respectively. Under non-reducing conditions, most of the protein was identified as the precursor protein HAH50 and a smear was observed above see more 200 kDa, which could correspond to multimeric conformations of the HAH5 protein. In this assay, the functionality Exoribonuclease of the genetic construction pAEC-hah5 was demonstrated. Also, the results showed that the HAH5 protein is susceptible to proteolytic cleavage by intracellular proteases. After verifying the correct expression of the synthetic gene coding the HAH5 protein, a lentiviral vector was constructed in order to transduce and stably transform the CHO cell line (Fig. 2A). After transduction, six clones of CHO cells carrying

the synthetic gene hah5 (CHO-HAH5) and producing high levels of the HAH5 protein were selected ( Fig. 2B). These CHO-HAH5 clones exhibited an OD over 0,50. The clone CHO-HAH5 78 showed the highest production level of the HAH5 protein with an OD of 0,78. The OD values of the positive and the negative controls were 0,89 and 0,085, respectively. The HAH5 production level of the clone CHO-HAH5 78 was significantly superior to that of the clones CHO-HAH5 12 (p < 0,001), CHO-HAH5 70 (p < 0,05) and CHO-HAH5 76 (p < 0,01). DNA insertion in the genome of CHO-HAH5 clones was verified by PCR using specific primers to amplify a DNA fragment of the lentiviral vector ( Fig. 2C) and a fragment of the synthetic gene coding the HAH5 protein ( Fig. 2D). The chromosomal DNA of each CHO-HAH5 clone was used as template.

Maturity finalises during its migration towards these deep-sea sp

Maturity finalises during its migration towards these deep-sea spawning areas. And therein lies the conger eel’s problem. The European conger is a significant commercial and recreational fish species in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean. It is, however, caught more by accident than intent as bycatch in bottom trawl and demersal long line fisheries targeting other species. It is also prized as a trophy fish by rod and Omipalisib in vivo line anglers. Although there is increasing evidence that stocks of the eel are in decline, there is little published

data on either its biology or population structure. There is no stock assessment of it by ICES and there are no managment objectives, indeed no management at all. Natural spawning has never been observed and reports of maturing individuals are rare. Because individuals spawn only once, all forms of fishing Selleckchem Ganetespib are therefore primarily targeting immature juveniles. The species thus has an extremely low resilience to fishing efforts. Similarly, because there is no specific management strategy, the species is often caught by bottom trawlers, typically associated with relatively high levels of bycatch and environmental damage to the sea bed. Part of my ignorance concerning conger eels comes from the fact that I did not know they were any kind of fisheries resource. And so it was with surprise to read of a report in the Daily Mail of 1 October 2009 about a giant conger eel that was caught

off the British coast and which was well over 3 m long and weighed a hefty 46 kg gutted, and nearly twice as long (and fat) as its new, chubby, fishmonger owner. Now think of the world record fish at three times this size! The Daily Mail fish was caught by a fisherman

from Torquay in Devon who sold it to the fishmonger for £50 (∼US$80). He, in turn, was going to sell it on as steaks but admitted that conger eel is not a popular fish in the United Kingdom because they are so ugly, although he claimed it is delicious. Hence, the average annual catch by United Kingdom fishing vessels is less than 400,000 tonnes but with most of the eels being exported to Europe – mainly France. Conger eels are predators and have been known to attack human beings. On 13 July 2013, the Irish Independent reported that an experienced SCUBA diver was attacked by a conger eel in Killary Harbour, County Galway, Ireland, 4��8C at a depth of 25 m. The (quite small) 2-m long eel bit a large chunk from his face causing terrible injuries. Interviewed subsequently, the diver said he ‘felt like a rag doll’ in the frenzied conger attack. He explained how the eel emerged from the depths and tried to drag him down to the sea floor – by his face. Fighting it off, he was eventually able to surface and his badly-shaken friends called an ambulance. His wounds, requiring twenty stitches, will also need plastic surgery over the coming months. A very lucky man and the stuff which nightmares are made of. But, I have a similar story.

2 Significant effects of treatment (F(4,20) = 112 8, p < 0 0001)

2. Significant effects of treatment (F(4,20) = 112.8, p < 0.0001) and time (F(5,20) = 14.74, p < 0.0001) were observed, and also of the treatment-versus-time interaction (F(20,210) = 1.892, p < 0.05). Post hoc analysis demonstrated a dose-dependent effect in relation to percentage of the oedema (2.689 < t < 10.02, p < 0.05). However, the intermediate doses (12.5 and 25 μg) were not significantly different when compared to each other. The minimum dose that produced significant oedema was 12.5 μg, and observed, in almost all doses tested, was a progressive increase in venom-induced

PLX-4720 mw oedema during the one-hour experiment. Bradykinin (0.53 μg/mL) and S. cyanea crude venom (50 μg/mL) induced contractions and similar muscular tension in the guinea-pig ileum segments ( Fig. 3A, B). Captopril (0.22 μg/mL) administered alone had no effect,

as already expected, however, when in association with bradykinin or with crude venom, it potentiated their contraction effect ( Fig. 3C, D). These effects were totally reversible after rinsing the preparation ( Fig. 3E). The results demonstrated that S. cyanea crude venom presented only a slight hemorrhagic activity at the assayed doses (data not shown). No hemorrhagic selleck chemicals halo was observed in the 50 μg dose. In the 200 μg dose, three from five rats presented some hemorrhagic activity, with a mean halo of 4.76 mm. S. cyanea wasp venom caused a dose-dependent haemolytic activity on human erythrocytes, as GBA3 shown in Fig. 4. The calculated HC50 was 0.025 μg/μL for human O positive erythrocytes. The S.

cyanea venom was tested against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (E. faecalis and E. coli, respectively). At 100 μg, the venom presented a 93% growth inhibition against both bacteria, and at 50 μg it presented an 83% growth inhibition against E. faecalis and an inhibition of 13% against E. coli. Lower doses did not show antibacterial activity. In Latin America, especially Brazil, the human casualties caused by accidents with wasp venom are neglected and unfortunately there are no epidemiological studies providing sufficient information of this nature. The two federal agencies responsible for collecting information on health facilities – SINAN (Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação) and SINITOX (Sistema Nacional de Informações Tóxico-Farmacológicas) – provide this data together with that of other venomous animals, preventing public access to clinical and epidemiological information of this specific injury. Human accidents involving Hymenoptera are characterized by two situations: the first occurs in the case of one or few bites, and the second in the event of attacks by swarms. The clinical symptoms may vary from local inflammatory reactions to more severe allergic reactions, which can lead to anaphylactic shock (de Medeiros and França, 2003). Mortality is generally related to multiple bites and serious systemic toxic manifestations induced by the venom inoculated.

The light intensity was 15 lx in the center of the arena Each an

The light intensity was 15 lx in the center of the arena. Each animal was individually placed in the periphery of the arena and was left free to explore it for 15 min. Based on studies

performed by Eilam (2003) and Li et al. (2010), spatio-temporal organization of locomotor and exploratory activities were quantified as follows: (a) Total number of rearing and grooming. (b) Distance traveled: overall distance that animals traveled during the 15 min observation. (c) Locomoting time: overall duration of locomoting periods, during which animals accumulated the traveled distance. (d) Number of stops: the incidence of “non-locomoting” intervals that were bound by “locomoting” intervals. (e) Inter-stops distance: the metric distance traveled between two consecutive stops (total distance divided by total number of stops). (a) Number of trips: by ranking squares (places) according to the accumulated “non-locomoting” intervals, the place with the highest rank was termed “home-base”. Intervals between consecutive stops at home-base were scored as “trips” to the arena. (b) Trip length: metric distance traveled in a round-trip (=total Selleckchem Epigenetic inhibitor distance divided by total number of trips). (c) Stops/trip: number of stops taken between two successive stops at the home-base (=total number

of stops divided by total number of trips). (a) Distance traveled along the perimeter: traveled distance along the vicinity of the walls of the arena. (b) Locomoting time spent along the perimeter: traveling time along the vicinity of the walls of the arena. (c) Time spent on home-base. EPM was used to assess anxiety-like

behaviors. The maze consisted of two open arms (50×10 cm) and two closed arms (50×10×40 cm) with the arms of each type new opposite to each other. The maze was elevated to a height of 50 cm off the floor. The experiment was conducted in a room illuminated by red light. The light intensity at the center of the apparatus was 5 lx. Rats were placed in the maze center facing the open arm and they were left free to explore the apparatus for 5 min. The following parameters were analyzed: (a) Time spent in the open arms. (b) Number of risk assessment behaviors: number of times at exploration of the open arm through stretch-attend posture (when the rodent is motionless in center- or closed-zone, but has its body stretched forward into the open arms by placing some but not all paws, returning then to the same position). Total number of entries in both open and closed arms. All data were expressed as mean±S.E.M. and were analyzed by One-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey’s Multiple Comparison post hoc test for unequal samples. P<0.05 was considered significantly. This work was supported by the Brazilian funding agencies, CNPq, FAPERGS, CAPES and by the FINEP research grant “Rede Instituto Brasileiro de Neurociência (IBN-Net)” 01.06.0842-00.

The dependent variable was RT We found a main effect for the fac

The dependent variable was RT. We found a main effect for the factor EEG session showing the slowest RTs on the first EEG session compared to the second and third EEG session (F(2,34)=12.024, p<.001). To test for EEG session-dependent

functional cerebral asymmetry (FCA), we calculated a 2×2 ANOVA with factor validity (valid, invalid) and hemifield (left, right) separately for the first, second and third EEG session. This analysis revealed that functional cerebral asymmetry was neither detectable in the first, second nor third EEG session (p>.2). Thus, irrespective in which menstrual cycle phase women began in our experiments, right hemifield disadvantage was restricted to the early follicular phase. A correlative analysis for the behavioral data revealed a significant progesterone, buy BMS-354825 Epacadostat nmr but not estradiol effect. Progesterone levels were negatively correlated with RTs in luteal but not in early follicular and late follicular women (Table 2). In luteal women, progesterone level was negatively correlated with RTs in left valid (r(16)=−.512, p=.030) and right valid trials (r(16)=−.685, p=.002). Estradiol level did not correlate with RTs in valid as well as invalid trials for both hemifields in neither menstrual cycle phase. The main behavioral findings were that women (1) responded significantly faster to valid compared

to invalid trials, (2), revealed significant correlations between progesterone and RTs in luteal women and (3) showed a right hemifield disadvantage in the early follicular phase. A selleck monoclonal humanized antibody RT advantage for valid compared to invalid trials in a cued attention paradigm was also reported by Freunberger and colleagues as well as by Sauseng and colleagues, who showed a larger P1 and alpha power for task-irrelevant trials on ipsilateral sites (Freunberger et al., 2008) and 10 Hz frequency specific effects in visual short-term memory using TMS (Sauseng et al., 2011). Because we found progesterone-associated differences in RTs in luteal women, we focused on progesterone-associated

differences in the EEG signature during responses in attention tasks. In general, the EEG signature of a cued attention task contained a negativity provoked by an auditory cue and an ERP induced by a visual target (Fig. 2). Our analysis included only the first 120 ms following presentation of the visual task. This temporal segment is sufficient for an early categorization of the target (Klimesch et al., 2007). To analyze EEG correlates of cued attention task, we segregated the EEG signal in two segments. Defining task-onset as 0 ms, the first post-task segment reached from 0 to 80 ms, and the second post-task segment from 80 to 120 ms, which included the P1. EEG signals were the mean of the posterior electrodes P3 (left parietal cortex), Pz, and P4 (right parietal cortex). Representative standard ERPs following left valid or right valid hemifield presentation from the luteal woman with the fastest and slowest RTs, respectively, is shown in Fig.